Thursday, October 10, 2013

Are Autistic People Violent?

Don't you love that question? It makes me want to say it in a retarded voice. Today I would really like to answer this question with a simple "yes" or "no" but it's not gonna happen. The facts are that autistic people are not shown to be "more violent" than regular people. I think the question you need to be asking is what kind of violence do autistic people display. It is possible that the type of violence that autistic people may display could be the differentiating factor between them and NT's and we know NT's are violent.

We know neurotypicals are violent because they bullied and tormented us into the people we are today whether we like to admit it or not. When they would treat an animal with more humanity than an autistic person they showed us the capacity for inhumanity. We saw the inconsistencies, the insanity, the mob mentality. Autistics are usually more violent towards themselves but there are cases where the autistic may lash out and attempt to defend themselves from future violence. Sometimes this is done inappropriately. Sometimes you just think it sucks how badly it turns out.

While I am not advocating violence, here I would like to say that I have violent tendencies. They are in my head, mostly. They come from a deep well inside of me-no, more like a black hole. It is like a black hole inside of my very being that opens to consume all that is around it. I become that darkness and it consumes me. In certain moments I embrace that lonely place within me and wish to destroy absolutely everything around me, to start over. In those times I want to hurt people (gasp!).

Without telling you what kinds of violent crimes autistic people might commit, (you probably already have strange opinions about that like that we are serial killers or some crap) I am going to tell you the ones that you do not have to worry about as a rule.

  • Mob attacks (monkey behavior where people join in on hurting someone or something just because they saw somebody else do it-ugh-what about being creative?)
  • Bullying other people who appear more helpless and small 
  • Crimes of passion (what can I say, I like to be methodical ;) )

So, anyways. That's all I have to say tonight about people on the autism spectrum being serial killers. Have a good night everyone.

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