In order to respond to this apparently looming issue of What to Call Autism and How to Reference Autism I have to respond to ego because this really is just another issue of out of control egos, is it not?
Let me break it down, everybody so that it's just as plain and simple as it can be. I am not offended by "has autism" as though it means I have some dreaded communicable disease-no, that would imply that I thought autism itself was the disease and as that is not my belief I should be able to say PERSON WITH AUTISM (there, I said it) regarding myself and accept the expression from other non autistics without having a Severe Attitude Problem which is a sure sign of a reactive personality with low self esteem.
Politically correct nonsense has now, of course infected the autism community and it is purely based on egos wanting to point fingers and sharpen their ability to have preferences whenever preferences are easily cultivated elsewhere.
Since part of being an efficient human being is regulating energy it would be prudent to recognize the hemorrhaging power loss for what it is-some people just want to complain and they will find something to complain about. They waste all their vital resources on things blown out of proportion because they lack the abilities to further empower their own lives. No matter how you define autism you need to realize you are going to offend somebody. People get offended. It's easy to do. You can say autistic, has autism, person who is autistic, person on the autism spectrum, person with autism, etc and no matter what they are going to be offended. Mark my words and put your energy into something that helps and heals-not tears down. What matters is not what you say but HOW you say it.
Would you be offended if somebody said "he has a brilliant brain"? No. So perhaps the issue is that you need to re-think autism.
Speak with acceptance and it should translate more than your words.Welcome to another dimension of human existence. We are not one dimensional human beings. We transcend the ego mind and enter the land of love.